carreralib — Python interface to Carrera® DIGITAL 124/132 slotcar systems

This module provides a Python interface to Carrera® DIGITAL 124/132 slotcar systems connected via a serial (cable) connection.

>>> from carreralib import ControlUnit
>>> cu = ControlUnit('/dev/ttyUSB0')
>>> cu.version()
>>> cu.poll()
Status(fuel=(14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0, 0), start=0, mode=6,
       pit=(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False),
>>> cu.start()
>>> cu.poll()
Status(fuel=(14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 0, 0), start=1, mode=6,
       pit=(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False),
>>> cu.start()
>>> cu.poll()
Timer(address=1, timestamp=105295, sector=1)
>>> cu.poll()
Timer(address=0, timestamp=105410, sector=1)

Demo RMS

For demonstration purposes, the carreralib module can be used from the command line to run a simple curses-based race management system (RMS):

python -m carreralib /dev/ttyUSB0

Within the RMS, use the space key to start or pause a race, R to reset a race, and Q to quit.

When called without a device name or path, this will list command line options and the serial or Bluetooth devices that a Control Unit may be connected to, e.g. on Linux:

$ python -m carreralib
usage: python -m carreralib [-h] [-l LOGFILE] [-t TIMEOUT] [-v] [DEVICE]

positional arguments:
  DEVICE                the Control Unit device, e.g. a serial port or MAC address

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
                        where to write log messages
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        maximum time in seconds to wait for Control Unit
  -v, --verbose         write more log messages

  /dev/ttyUSB0        USB-Serial Controller

On Windows, this will show the respective COM port:

  COM3                Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM3)

If a Carrera AppConnect® Bluetooth device is found, this will show the Bluetooth MAC address of the device instead:

  C6:34:FA:1D:1D:5D   Control_Unit

So instead of /dev/ttyUSB0, specify the respective COM port on Windows, or the Bluetooth MAC address (e.g. C6:34:FA:1D:1D:5D) when using Carrera AppConnect®.

Control Unit Firmware

To show the current firmware version of your Control Unit, use:

python -m carreralib.fw /dev/ttyUSB0


Trying to update the firmware of your Control Unit is a potentially dangerous operation that may wreck your hardware. Use at your own risk!

To upgrade (or downgrade) your Control Unit’s firmware, given an ASCII firmware file, use:

python -m carreralib.fw /dev/ttyUSB0 digital_blackbox_NF_V337.HMF


Control Unit firmware are the intellectual property of Carrera Toys GmbH, and are only provided by the copyright holders. Please do not ask for firmware files here!


The ControlUnit class encapsulates a connection to a Carrera® DIGITAL 124/132 Control Unit (CU) and provides all the features needed to implement a custom race management system (RMS).

Note that ControlUnit uses zero-based controller addresses, so 0 corresponds to controller #1, 6 is the address the autonomous car, and 7 the address of the pace car.

class carreralib.ControlUnit(device, **kwargs)

Interface to a Carrera Digital 124/132 Control Unit.

device should name a serial port, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0 on GNU/Linux or COM3 on Windows. Additional keyword arguments will be passed to the underlying Connection object.


The Control Unit’s BRAKE button ID.


The Control Unit’s CODE button ID.


The Control Unit’s FUEL button ID.


The Control Unit’s PACE CAR/ESC button ID.


The Control Unit’s SPEED button ID.


The Control Unit’s START/ENTER button ID.

class Status

Response type returned if no timer events are pending.

This is a collections.namedtuple subclass with the following read-only attributes:

Attribute Index Value
fuel 0 Eight-item list of fuel levels (0..15)
start 1 Start light indicator (0..9)
mode 2 4-bit mode bit mask
pit 3 8-bit pit lane bit mask
display 4 Number of drivers to display (6 or 8)

Mode bit mask indicating fule mode is enabled.


Mode bit mask indicating a lap counter is connected.


Mode bit mask indicating a pit lane adapter is connected.


Mode bit mask indicating real fuel mode is enabled.

class Timer

Response type for timer events.

This is a collections.namedtuple subclass with the following read-only attributes:

Attribute Index Value
address 0 Controller address (0..7)
timestamp 1 32-bit time stamp in milleseconds
sector 2 Sector (1 for start/finish, 2 or 3 for times reported by Check Lanes)

Close the connection to the CU.


Clear/reset the Position Tower display.


Initiate a CU firmware update.


Write CU firmware update data.


Ignore the controllers represented by bitmask mask.


Poll the CU for pending messages.

The returned value will be an instance of either ControlUnit.Timer or ControlUnit.Status, depending on whether any timer events are pending.


Simulate pressing the CU button with the given ID.

request(buf, maxlength=None)

Send a message to the CU and wait for a response.


Reset the CU timer.

setbrake(address, value)

Set the brake value for controller address.

setfuel(address, value)

Set the fuel value for controller address.


Set the current lap displayed by the Position Tower.


Set the high nibble of the current lap.


Set the low nibble of the current lap.

setpos(address, position)

Set the controller’s position displayed by the Position Tower.

setspeed(address, value)

Set the speed value for controller address.


Initiate the CU start sequence.


Retrieve the CU version as a string.

Connection Module

This module is mostly of interest to developers who want to create their own connection implementation, for example to use a Bluetooth implementation.

exception carreralib.connection.BufferTooShort

Raised when the supplied buffer is too small a message.

class carreralib.connection.Connection(device, **kwargs)

Base class for connections to a Carrera digital slotcar system.


Close the connection.

max_fwu_block_size = None

Maximum number of bytes in one firmware update frame.


Return a complete message of byte data sent from the other end of the connection as a bytes object.

send(buf, offset=0, size=None)

Send byte data rom an object supporting the buffer interface as a complete message.

exception carreralib.connection.ConnectionError

The base class of all connection exceptions.

exception carreralib.connection.TimeoutError

Raised when a timeout expires., **kwargs)

Open a connection to the given device.


Search for potential devices.

Protocol Module

This module provides utility functions for dealing with the Carrera® DIGITAL 124/132 protocol.

carreralib.protocol.pack(fmt, *args)

Return a bytes object containing the arguments packed according to the format string fmt.

Similar to struct.pack(), this function performs conversion between Python values and binary protocol data. Format strings may contain the following characters:

Format Python type Value
B int unsigned byte
c bytes of length 1 a single ASCII character
C no value check sum
I int 32-bit unsigned integer
r int “raw” unsigned byte (BLE only)
s bytes ASCII string
x no value padding/ignored
Y int nibble or nybble

As with struct.pack(), a format character may be preceded by an integral count. For the s format character, the count is interpreted as the length of the bytes. For the C format character, the count is interpreted as an offset in the generated buffer from which the checksum should be calculated. For the other format characters, the count is simply interpreted as a repeat count.

carreralib.protocol.unpack(fmt, buf)

Unpack from the buffer buf according to the format string fmt.

carreralib.protocol.chksum(buf, offset=0, size=None)

Compute the protocol checksum for the buffer buf.